Monday, April 2, 2007

Rainy Day

On a cold rainy day our class had to review depression... how fitting! We spoke about learned helplessness, and how an experiment was done using dogs. The experiment had the dogs receive an electric shock if they walked on certain panels in their kennel. Others would receive a shock no matter where they stood. Those dogs who would receive the shock no matter what, learned to just sit there an bare it... aka learned helplessness.

The treatments for depression we spoke about were medications but also exercise. How exercise can be beneficial because of the endorphins and other hormones released. That is why people feel so much better after a good session of exercise. "Runners High" is one name to the feel good feeling after running a long distance. I know that once I come out of the gym, I have been able to take my mind off of anything bothering me, maybe even solve a problem that was bothering me, and just feel better because of the frustration worked off and the release of hormones.

One of my classmates brought up the subject of Rolfing. According to the Rolf Institute of Structural Integration (, Rolfing was developed over 50 years ago by Dr. Ida Rolf, Ph.D. It works on a person's "Web-like complex of connective tissue (fascia) to release, realign and balance the whole body." It is said to take care of pain related to aging, repetitive motion, and trauma. I am always up to try something new so I may have to look further into Rolfing.

The official website which I stated above, was very helpful in finding a history about Rolfing, ways to become a trained Rolfer, and also search to find a Rolfer near you!

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