Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Another interesting class today... ADHD, biological clocks gone haywire, hair pulling, nail biting, teeth grinding, and a girl who ate her hair and had a hair ball!

On the topic of ADHD, I think some doctors are just eager beavers when it comes to handing out medications. Which is a shame, because some people do not truely need the medication and it no longer lets them feel like themselves. ADHD is something that I personally would not want to get medications for, unless it interfered with my quality of life.

But that brings up a whole other discussion about who gets to judge what is the best quality of life for anyone. Some people would walk into my room and think that something exploded. I have papers every where and it looks just like a mess, but I like to call it an "organized mess". If you were to ask me where something was I could find it immeditaly or tell you where to look. Some people just can't stand that and would have to have everything put away and labeled. That would drived me nuts!

Now as for the hairball incident... you may not believe me, but after doing some research I found many occurances of hair balls in humans. Most happened when the person had a complusive disorder that drove them to eating the ends of their hair!

If you don't believe me look at this link, it is one of many that I found... you just have to scroll down a little ways
Girl died after giant hairball was removed
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, The, Aug 21, 1999

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