Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Stickers & Rewards

So I have decided that I'm not very good at blogging on time... I have every intention on blogging when I am done my four classes on Monday, but when I get out of that last class... I am so excited to take a nap, I just forget all about homework!!! Opps!

In class we talked about sticker charts and I thought that was funny because in another one of my classes we were talking about rewards systems, and wether or not charts like that would work. When I was in elementary school, I remember we had a new art teacher. She was just out of school and was so excited to be using a sticker chart. Every class she had was listed on a big piece of paper and it had the dates across the top. Every month she would start a new chart. At the end of the month she would count which class recieved the most stickers for being a good class, and they would get cookies she made. The problem was that most little kids could care less about art, and her cookies did not taste very good. They were hard and tasted like salt, so they weren't a good treat! So needless to say, the sticker chart was not a very big sucess.

Now if she had brought in the Thin Mint Girl Scout cookies that would have been a whole other story!!!

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